Saturday, May 21, 2011

Where the Wild Things are

You know when you get a present that looks so awesome and cool from the outside, but once you get more familiar with the contents of the present, you find that it's really disappointing and no match to the outside of it? That's Where The Wild Things Are in a nutshell. It's a beautiful, pointless bore.

WTWTA starts off really...terribly. The little kid is annoying as fuck and acts like he belongs in a mental institution. He's obnoxious, has weird outbursts, and even bites his Mom like she's a fucking happy meal. I think the viewer was supposed to find these scenes as funny or cute. They're not at all, they're just ridiculous and weird.

Once he meets the wild things, the movie starts to rise for a bit. All of the creatures are beautifully created, and the actors providing their voices to the characters really give a heart and soul to these animals, which are a lot more similar to the little boy then you would imagine. But, after he originally meets the monsters, things go back downhill.

For creatures labeled as "wild things", these creatures really aren't wild, or terribly interesting at all. In fact, they could easily be people who just haven't shaved in like..decades. There's never really any tension or suspense in this movie. It's pretty much just countless scene after scene of tedious conversation that goes absolutely nowhere and doesn't serve a point at all. It's talking just for the sole purpose of saying something, while ironically not saying anything at all.

The movie just lacks any focus or point at all. You don't really learn anything about the child, and you rarely hear anything about the monsters. Scenes about those two subjects sure as hell would have been a lot more interesting then watching the monsters jump on each other while building forts and all that bullshit.

WTWTA just fails to really do...anything. It's not entertaining, there really is no heart or brain to anything that occurs throughout the movie. You don't really care what happens as a result of the lack of tension and insanely unlikeable lead character. The visuals are beautiful and the actors voicing the monsters are pretty much the only highlight. Some books should never be made into movies, and that is a category where WTWTA lies. A pointless bore.


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