In terms of taking a journey, Walter Mitty never steps off the front door. It's hard to admire growth or progression in a movie that feels like one terribly overstretched and gimmicky concept.
I never thought I would say this but I miss the OTT, child-like style of humor from Ben Stiller. Because the dry, morose style just doesn't work. Walter Mitty could have had a stellar approach with the comedic situations that a fish out of water goes through but it never takes any. The material is played so dully straight at times you're wondering if you're watching something that is supposed to even entertain you.
This is a type of movie that either succeeds or fails highly based upon the audience's reactions to the characters, this is one of the problems, everyone is completely one-dimensional. Stiller's character never grows or expands as a person, Kristen Wiig is highly underused as his crush, and one of his motivating factors to go on the quest to save the company. Adam Scott as Ted Hendricks, his overbearing boss is a straight-up caricature, and Sean Penn's role as the mysterious photographer giving Walter all of his inspirational photos is highly underused.
And if you're going to make a children's movie for two hours, for fuck's sake give us something meaningful to watch or something with a plot that can hold strong for two hours. At one point in the movie, Walter Mitty is speaking with a rep at Eharmony and states that he hasn't been anywhere or done anything. This to me, summarized my thoughts on the screenplay, as Walter travels from country to country without ever really moving anywhere in the story.
I will say that, that visually, this movie is spectacular. Whoever did the graphics deserved a standing ovation as being the only factor that kept me awake. Walter's trips to Iceland, the sea, even his fantasies of attacking and chasing his boss look incredible. If only the performances and what came out of their characters' mouths was on board with this fun, then we might have had a success.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is easy on the eyes but that's the only sense that remains unscathed. It never gets in your head, or heart, and after watching it, you never really felt as if you entered any of these parts in the character of Walter Mitty either. Some things are just better left a secret.