Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Lady Bird

My favorite movies are the ones that you learn something from especially if that something pertains to your own life. Lady Bird hits that nail on the head without ever coming off as disingenuous or contrived. One of my favorite scenes is one in which a supporting character states her theory that love and attention are the same which echoes throughout the tone of the film. The relationship between the title character and her mother is so genuine I imagine it difficult for anyone not to feel reminiscent of how they interacted with their parents in youth. This isn't a movie all about the grand moments of life, but the smaller ones that build up to something much more plentiful as we veer into adulthood. The performances from Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf are stellar, the film really lives or dies on their dynamic relationship of unconditional love even when it's next to impossible to include "unconditional like" in it as well. If the movie's overall message of love and attention being synonymous rings true, then Lady Bird is more than deserving of any viewer's unconditional attention.


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Wish Upon

You'll never see any of the twists coming; said if those who have never seen a movie before. Nothing here feels remotely fresh and I felt like the creators let the PG-13 rating stifle its' own creativity. My wish; that Wish Upon grew a pair and escaped a formulaic screenplay. 
