Halle Berry gets straight up Phantom of the Opera in this at times and no one can tell me otherwise. But it's still a really beautiful movie about ugly situations and how we see the light through it all.
Halle Berry gets straight up Phantom of the Opera in this at times and no one can tell me otherwise. But it's still a really beautiful movie about ugly situations and how we see the light through it all.
Soooo was UnPleasantville already taken as a title? Really fascinating look at everything ugly about religion. And we can all agree that the real devil all the time was the person who created that spider scene AmIrite?
So between this and the Haunting of Hill House, it's safe to say Carla Gugino enjoys being a motivational spirit, can she be mine? Anywho, this was a bit of a mixed bag. Definitely starts off strong, if your fears of claustrophobia and hell, even wrist wrash don't kick in, bless your soul, but it kind of slowly loses steam. The scenes with the Daddy issues feel a bit hammy and on the nose, at times you're not sure if this is going for a mental health type of fear or Cujo but in a bed. Gugino gives it her all and this is one that really could have failed if not for her sheer dedication in a role where she's mainly playing off herself, but for a movie with game in the title, it doesn't play back. Irony being that for a majority of the movie, she may be shackled, but the movie lumbers along.
A big, soggy mess that tries to dry itself off with a nutty conclusion long after any fucks remain.
The first half and the second half go together like Barbie's head on Ken's body. Should have been called super murky times.
Let me tell you all the Shit I hated about this movie;
1. That I fell asleep the first time I tried to watch it.
2. That it is impossible to be nearly as perfect as Lucy Boynton is here no matter how many times I write Santa.
3. That more accolades aren't given to Kiernan off this performance, she's bone chilling here.
A really beautiful movie about really ugly situations. And yes, this is pretty much the most GDT inspired movie ever that wasn't made by him. Cue the awful pun ahead, but I present.... Guillermo Del Sorrow.