Sunday, May 6, 2012


Taking a fresh perspective on the typical movie involving superpowers is Chronicle, a film about three teenage boys who receive superpowers by a radiation hole. The twist on this movie is that unlike other movies where the main characters have powers....these three guys never even remotely consider the idea of using their powers of helping out others. Instead they're too busy on doing things like; moving people's cars, rearranging everyone's stuff, flying to different countries, and just being able to shoot the breeze on top of the highest building in the city. But like all movies with superpowers, a villain is formed, as the most conflicted and disrespected teenager; Andrew (Dane DeHaan) starts using his powers for pain as opposed to fluff. Chronicle contains some awesome visuals, the scenes of the three guys flying like planes look stellar and DeHaan, Alex Russell, and Michael B. Jordan are quite solid as the lead guys in this.

But unfortunately, Chronicle falls short of amazing mainly because of the lack of material provided. Too many scenes involving the guys using their powers feel repetitive and after a gets a bit old to see them use these powers and the ending is highly disappointing. Nothing terribly interesting is provided, the fight scenes all feel like they're one big overlong scene and the absolute final scene lacks any sort of a satisfying finish. Chronicle shot for the stars but instead, it just hit about as high as the top of one of the buildings that the characters frequently hang on.


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