Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Silent Hill: Revelation

One thing that's become pretty apparent to me these days is how strong of an indicator the preview for a movie is in showing how great/terrible the movie will be or not. If the preview is busted, then the movie will probably be busted. If the preview is great, well...then there's still a chance that the movie will be busted. Not learning from these lessons has resulted in me suffering from cruel and unsual punishments, like a viewing of Silent Hill: Revelation for example.

Silent Hil: Revelation stars Adelaide Clemens as Heather Silva, the daughter of the mother in the first movie who is stuck in Silent Hill as a result of her attempt to keep her daughter away from all of the dangers that reside in Silent Hill. Well, the residents of Silent Hill want Heather back, sending several people from the cult that run Silent Hill to kidnap her father in order to lure her back to their town. Along the way there's demons created by Alessa who want Heather dead.

Silent Hill is such an utter disaster it's really hard to determine where the blame should go to. Every performance is dull as dirt and as authentic as the creatures running amok in the movie. The story feels like it was pasted from 10 other movies put together, often resembling one of the many busted Nightmare on Elm Street sequels as opposed to a stand-out movie that's only the second one of its' particular franchise. It's completely sleep-inducing throughout, there's nothing scary or remotely interesting going on from beginning to end. And the effects are terrible, it's like your watching a bizzare combination of a cartoon, a video game, and a pack of Crayola created creatures. Add on a completely routine and uninspiring sequel that hints at a third entry into the series, and you have a movie that makes you feel as if you were rotting in Purgatory about a thousand times more than any character in this movie would ever had to endure.


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