Monday, June 24, 2013

Movie 43

Lately I've been thinking and I've come to the conclusion that movie stars have a blast. They attend parties with tons of other stars at huge mansions with copious amounts of alcohol. And the ones that drink the most are then convinced into signing onto movies like Movie 43, a movie so goddawful you would swear you were dreaming.

What else would cause Halle Berry to show her face here? To have Hugh Jackman play a man with testicles attached to his neck? To have Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber play parents who sexually harrass their child? To have *insert name doing insert unfunny material from any given skit into this section*. It's embarassing when your funniest skit involves aforementioned parents coming onto child, the worst skit being the after credits act about Elizabeth Banks, Josh Duhamel, and his animated cat who is having sexual fantasies about him. You did not read that last sentence incorrectly.

There's no surprise here that a movie that uses ignorance in its' skits for humor comes off as so damn stupid and immature. I've seen many movies in my 20 years of life and I can't recall one right now that is more cringeworthy, pointless, or unfunny as Movie 43.


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