Tuesday, July 2, 2013

This is the End

This is The End isn't so much a movie much as it is a feature length skit, providing a chance for the actors to poke fun at themselves the entire time. Luckily, most of this works thanks to balls to the wall, outrageous and often hillarious material used.

What's up? James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Michael Cera, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson play themselves as victims during an apocalypse in Hollywood forced to fend for themselves against the natural disaster, creatures, and sometimes themselves.

What's good? This is the type of movie that would completely fail if the commitment level isn't at 110% due to the ridiculous material but luckily everyone's fair game and at equal expense for a laugh. You really get the sense that all of the actors had a blast making it and most of the time you feel like you're involved in the fun.

For a movie whose focus is mainly on the comedic aspect, This is the End features effects that look like they came from nothing less superior then a Speilberg effort. The look of the movie is outstanding, watching Hollywood break apart looks terribly realistic, and even the monsters and death scenes have an odd touch of authenticity.

This is The End also features some of the funniest scenes I've seen so far this year, mainly thanks to Danny McBride and Craig Robinson. The scenes alone of the decapitated neighbor and the masturbatory battle (I kid you not) are worth giving the movie a watch.

Also to This is the End's credit, just when I was feeling like things were going to fizzle out towards the end, it proved me wrong, proving that commitment was given from beginning to end, it's nearly impossible not to smile with the end musical number/cameo appearance.

What the fuck? I don't have a ton of issues with This is The End but I will say that I feel it could have been shorter. Right before you're reaching the grand finale, the humor starts to hit a drout and I feel some scenes could have been trimmed/cut out a bit.

Overall This is The End is a blast from beginning to end. Granted, a bit of tightening could have made it even stronger but still it's a movie that would never make you feel like the end of the world could feel like such a party.


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