Saturday, February 28, 2015


There's something consistently pounding watching Whiplash and it's not Andrew on the drums; it's your heart racing faster and faster as you're consistently astounded by the amount of tension in a movie that's practically bloodless (with the exception of a brutal training).

What's so fascinating watching Whiplash is the dynamic between Andrew (Miles Teller) and Fletcher (J.K Simmons) is that the movie really never gives you a clear Black and White answer over who is good and who is evil. Is Andrew doing the right thing by pushing himself to the maximum limit to achieve his dream? Or is he foolish, allowing himself to go down a path of blocking out everything and everyone else just to succeed? Is Fletcher just an asshole who pushes people to the utmost extreme? Or is he someone that wants his students to achieve and knows how to push them to get to that point of perfection? Both actors are at the top of their game and their scenes never register as any less then dynamic.

Watching Whiplash is nothing less then inspirational; inspiration to achieve your dreams even when they feel a million miles away, and inspiration that movies out there still have the power to get inside our heads like this one does.


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