Monday, May 16, 2011

The Box

Sometimes I feel like directors sit around and ponder things like, "Hmm, if we make a movie that will make people think, will we get tons of brownie points even if the movie doesn't make one bit of sense?". The Box is one of those movies. Not one bit of this goddamn shit is anything dealing with logic.

First off, the performances are so flat overall. This is easily Cameron Diaz's worst performance in years, if not ever. She sounds so monotone the whole time and her accent is totally ridiculous. It's like equivalent to speaking in a Texan accent after getting into a losing battle with Vodka. Sandy from Spongebob is less laughable as a true Texan. James Marsden doesn't fare much better either, his role is pretty much sized up as looking shocked or looking confused. Get that Oscar, dude.

My biggest problem with this movie (or at of the main ones)....NOTHING MAKES SENSE. Holy shit, the plot is like taking about 50 different things, throwing them at the screen, and seeing what sticks. Nothing works together and if you really think about it, the movie gives you way more questions then it does with answers. You never really buy the characters' motivations in this movie. Yes, they need the money, but for people who are as educated and well-spoken as these two..they sure act like a bunch of bumfucks who consider a dollar as a ton of money. After the button is pushed, things just go totally downhill. People show up (generally with bloody noses), act weird as fuck (generally laughing while doing this), and really serve no purpose to the plot. It was just like a lame attempt at trying to be scary, at which the movie also fails considering nothing scary happens within the two hour length. The ending/twist is a total joke also. It just doesn't really explain itself well and you're left scratching your head more then you are admiring the creativity within the premise. The movie was based on a classic episode of the Twilight Zone called "Button, Button". I would say your way better off just looking up that for free instead of investing any time, energy, or thought into The Box.


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