Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Muppets

The plot: A puppet named Walter lives with his brother Gary (Jason Segel) in a place called Smalltown. They have both been fans of the Muppets since they were young and when Gary and his girlfriend Mary (Amy Adams) plan to go to Los Angeles for their anniversary, they realize it is a great time to go see Muppet Theater. Once they get there though, things aren't looking too good as they realize that the only way the Muppets can get Muppet Theater back is if they all put on a big show to raise $10 million before Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) can destroy the theater for good.

The good: There's so many good things about The Muppets. One of the first I will mention is the music. I think it's safe to say you will easily leave this movie with at least one song stuck in your head until death. My personal favorites were "Life's a happy song", "Party of one", and a grand finale song of "Mahna Mahna" performed by the entire cast. The music is so catchy and fun, even the biggest anti-Muppet moviegoer will find it hard to resist the charm of the score.

Another surprising thing about The Muppets is the amount of wit and humor throughout, The Muppets is actually quite hillarious. There's a lot of sight gags with the Muppets that will keep the kids (and even adults) entertained but there's a lot of tongue in cheek humor that is quite refreshing to see in a children's movie. Characters will mention songs right after they're done singing them, they will cue for a "manical laughter", stop their conversations to let the audience know that was an important plot point and even mention the budget of the movie. There's a particularly humorous scene when Kermit is mentioning how he doesn't think the Muppets will get back together, leading one character to exclaim, "Well I guess this is gonna be a short movie". Witty stuff.

Jason Segel and Amy Adams were the perfect choices for the leads as well, I couldn't picture anyone else replacing either of them. What, with Jason Segel's love of singing and very adolescent-like nature and Amy Adams' ability to play the happiest mofo you will ever meet (see Enchanted for further proof if you don't believe me...this chick is happy). A lot of celebrities make cameos at the end which is pretty stellar to see as well. They actually put Jack Black in a role that I liked him in.....color me shocked. :O

The bad: As much as I love being a Debbie Downer...I actually can't think of a noticeable negative to say about this movie. Wow.

The gist: The Muppets is a delightful, irresistible, adorable movie for moviegoers of all ages. The music is catchy, the performances are wonderful, it does a classic group proud and will easily be welcomed back by any fan of The Muppets. It's just an awesome movie for the whole family to watch, and how many movies these days can say that? Not many. There's your answer. Done.


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